Our mission

„Our mission at Sanoptis: first-class ophthalmology for everyone - collaboratively within a strong network.“

We want to improve our patients' quality of life and visual health. We achieve this by equipping our doctors with modern technology, fostering their professional development and promoting close collaboration within the network. A partnership at eye level, with patients at the heart of our mutual endeavors.

Our values and principles

Our objective is to make excellent ophthalmology accessible to everyone.
Innovation and quality

Our partners are among the first to adopt innovative treatment modalities and actively propel advancements in their field.

Partnership at eye level

We collaborate with our partners in making collective decisions, leveraging the power of our network to effectively represent all interests.

Focus on patients

Our patients' satisfaction and health is our top priority. We strive to cater to individual needs to the best of our ability.

Decentralized structures

Thanks to our federalized approach, our partners operate autonomously, ensuring efficient organization and independent work.

Sustainable growth

Long-term success instead of short-term profits: Investments in personnel and technology are key to our strategy.

Our services -
the whole spectrum of ophthalmology


Our partners have many years of experience in the surgical treatment of cataracts. In addition to the well-established spherical standard lenses, we also offer aspherical premium lenses. Our partners are among the pioneers of laser-assisted cataract surgery. With the help of the Femto laser, the procedure can be carried out even more gently and with greater precision.


In addition to conservative treatment with eye drops, we also offer - depending on the diagnosis - treatment with the chamber angle laser as well as microinvasive chamber angle surgery, minimally invasive deep sclerectomies and valve implants.

Life without glasses

In our network, we use all forms of modern laser treatment for a life without glasses. The range is supplemented by implantable contact lenses (ICL) and refractive lens replacement for a life without glasses at any age.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

Wet AMD has been successfully treated with a range of injection therapy drugs for a long time, and we now also offer medical types of treatment for dry AMD.


Detached retinas are treated surgically by means of pars plana vitrectomy. Our partners also use various laser therapies for the optimal treatment of retinal changes.


Depending on the diagnosis, the clinics in our network treat complex corneal disorders with laser therapies, implants or transplants.

Strabismus (strabology)

The medical practices in our network offer orthoptics for children to recognise and treat impaired eyesight or strabismus at an early stage. If it is not possible to correct strabismus with conservative treatments, surgery is an option.


In addition to medically necessary procedures, there is also the option of cosmetic correction. For example, our highly specialized doctors offer eyelid corrections.

Our team
We are here to help you

Dr. Volker Wendel
CEO – Chief Executive Officer
Carsten Horn
CDO – Chief Development Officer
Stephan Kaune
COO – Chief Operating Officer
Dipesh Mahtani
CFO – Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Mark Tornow
CSO – Chief Services Officer
Birgit Stuber
Head of Switzerland
Riccardo Pariti
Head of Germany
Martin Brunninger
Head of Austria
Dr. Irmgard Huber
Co-Head of Greece
Nikos Moschos
Co-Head of Greece
Michael Bretterbauer
Head of Italy
Mario Esteban
Head of Spain
You want to become part of Sanoptis?
Apply now!

Our cooperation
with leading universities

We measure our
carbon footprint

At Sanoptis, we are aware of the environmental impact of our business operations. Recognizing our responsibility to contribute to a more sustainable future, we are committed to minimizing our emissions. We consistently measure our carbon footprint and analyze the results to ensure a continual reduction in our environmental impact. The emission analysis for our network in 2023 produced the following results:

• Scope 1*: 1’758 tCO2e corresponds to 8% of our total emissions

• Scope 2**: 2’100 tCO2e corresponds to 10% of our total emissions

• Scope 3***: 17’394 tCO2e corresponds to 82% of our total emissions


*    caused by direct sources, e.g. heating
**   caused by indirect sources, e.g. purchased electricity
***  caused outside our direct business activities, e.g. procurement of materials or our employees’ commuting